Letter from Our CEO


Over the years, as a company we have concentrated our efforts on building a state-of-the-art manufacturing infrastructure and a team of people that is second to none – producing our Distilled Witch Hazel ingredients with the utmost efficiency and respect for the environment. As a result, we have grown to supply the world’s leading cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies with best-in-class natural bases and active ingredients for their products. It gives me a great sense of pride looking back on our humble beginnings to now setting the standard for Distilled Witch Hazel products worldwide.

The markets for our Witch Hazel Extracts are vast on both the cosmetic and pharmaceutical sides of the business. Due to the nature and size of these markets and the companies that we supply, I saw long ago that quality, scale and volume were the key factors that were going to establish us as the world leader in the production of Distilled Witch Hazel extracts.

Our company has always seen growth in these two markets stemming from product evolution, innovation and now from the increasing importance of natural products as part of consumer’s healthy lifestyles. As natural, multi-benefit ingredients become increasingly relevant and marketable to end users, our products will continue to become of increased value to our bulk customers.

To spearhead the next evolution of our company, we have recently begun to refine our solid foundation of manufacturing operations – becoming more lean, mean and green than ever before. We are bringing on new talent in the areas of quality, research and operations that will bring us to the next level of efficiency. This will result in operations that deliver cost-effective, evidence-based Witch Hazel ingredients that fit the needs of formulation chemists, marketers and end consumers alike.

We have a vision here that I have had from my first day on the job – to be the best in the world at producing this timeless ingredient and developing our company to one that measures up to some of our largest customers.

I am very proud of the position that our team has established and have great expectations for the company’s future. The best is yet to come.


Ed Jackowitz

World-Class Customer Service

American Distilling has partnered with the world’s most successful and recognized companies, to deliver the highest quality Witch Hazel ingredients whenever, wherever – exceeding our customers’ needs and expectations,